About Us

Mission & Vision
Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Vision: To be a community of believers who love God and are dependent on Him, believe and follow Jesus, are empowered by the Holy Spirit and show God’s gracious love to others as we serve the community.
Church's leadership team:
Pastor: Rev. Julie M. Hatcher
Admin Chair: Diana Cabaniss
Admin Vice Chair: Jeanette Hensen
Admin Secretary: Jill Miles
Lay Leader: Vacant
SPRC Chair: Janice Boyer-Smith
Finance Chair: Crill Head
Finance Secretary: Jeanette Hensen
Treasurer: Janice Boyer-Smith
Trustee Chair: Mark Berryhill
Mission Chair: Jeanette Hensen
Worship Minister: Kelly Berryhill
Worship Chair: Jean Denney
Core Values
We are dependent on God for his power and strength and desire to connect with God in a living relationship.
We believe truth is found in Scripture and gives meaning, joy and love to life.
We believe loving relationships should permeate every aspect of the church life.
We believe worship is the core expression of our faith.
We believe worship in Christ-Centered living and constantly seek God’s will to be the center of all of our ministries.
We believe we are accountable to one another in our faith journey.
We believe that giving of ourselves, our gifts and our finances is a fundamental part of faith.
Caring Ministries
We believe that through caring ministries we touch the lives of others with the love of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Julie Hatcher
Lead Pastor
Pastor Julie Hatcher is a native of Georgia, where she was raised by her parents in a
Christ-centered Methodist home in Cobb County with her sister. She has been married.
to her husband, Lonnie Hatcher, for 18 years, and they have been blessed with two
children. Pastor Julie enjoys a work-life balance between spending time with her family,
serving God and serving others in the community.
She is a graduate of West Georgia Technical College. She is a licensed cosmetologist.
and a licensed paraprofessional and works immediately for the Paulding County School.
System. Pastor Julie currently owns a residential cleaning company, where she enjoys
serving her clients in the Cobb, Douglas, and Paulding County areas.
Upon having a transformative encounter with Christ at the age of 19, Pastor Julie
confirmed and declared her faith in Jesus Christ and began passionately growing in the
grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Since her encounter with Christ, she has devoted
her life to serving God through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and serving in
missions and outreach in the Cobb, Paulding, and Haralson County areas.
Over the past 15 years, Pastor Julie has aided in administrative and organizational
leadership development within the local Methodist church and has joyfully aided in other
local Christian ministries by developing missions and outreach teams within local
Pastor Julie heard the call to become a licensed United Methodist local part-time pastor.
in 2016. Since hearing the call of God to ministry, she has faithfully pursued
opportunities to serve at both local and district levels in the United Methodist Church.
She is currently continuing her education through the GBHEM Course of Study and is
delighted to be serving as the pastor at Stripling Chapel UMC.
Diana Cabaniss
Administrative Chair/Pastor Administrative Assistant
I was born in South Carolina, but my family moved to Florida when I was in the first grade. I spent my childhood there.
After graduation from High School, I moved to Washington D.C. and for three years I worked as a secretary at the Bureau of Naval Personnel processing hundreds of orders for troops going to Viet Nam.
Several years later, after the death of my infant daughter, my husband and I moved back to Florida. I worked at various positions using my secretarial skills until I was employed to run a clinic in a Clermont, Florida middle school. I retired from there in 2017.
During my marriage my husband and I spent 30 years in the Music Ministry.
I moved to Carrollton in 2023 and searched for a church home. I attended several churches, but never felt I was where I needed to be. Then, I came to Stripling Chapel UMC and felt a peace I haven’t felt for a long time and I decided to become a member in September 2023.
In October 2023, I accepted the position of the Administrative Assistant to Pastor Julie Hatcher where I continue to serve.
Jeanette A. Henson
Admin Vice Chair/Mission Chair/Finance Secretary
I have attended Stripling Chapel United Methodist Church since I was a baby. I arrived there at 8 months old in the arms of my mother, Homa Archer. My mother has been a member all of her 95 years of life.
I was honored to be awarded the “First Life Time Member” of the church by The Women’s Society of Christian Service.
I have served many times as the President of the United Methodist Women presently called United Women in Faith (2022). At Stripling Chapel I have served as the Lay Leader, Lay Delegate to North Georgia Conference, Administrative Secretary and Treasurer. I currently serve as Administrative Vice Chair, Finance Secretary, Missions Chair where I serve on the Backpack committee and the Homecoming Committee.
I am married to Warren Henson. I have two sons Jay and James Denney, five grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
Jill Miles
Administrative Secretary
I recall fondly my days as an English teacher with my red pen handy, correcting just about everything, including Richard’s love letters. Amazing he kept coming back…55 years….
My earliest memories of church were always Methodist. And the important events in my life have centered around the values I formed as my family and church guided me…through all kinds of celebrations and trials and tribulations. Even when I allowed the “things of this world” to be an excuse for being too tired to be involved with church, I recognized how thirsty I was for that living water to give me purpose and meaning in my life. I have found that in every Methodist church I have entered, from small rural churches to large churches offering so much to so many. I extend this invitation to all to come and join us in worship and fellowship at Stripling Chapel United Methodist Church. You’ll find that water here.
Janice Boyer-Smith
SPCR Chair/Treasurer
I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and attended the Baptist Church most of my younger years. I considered myself a city girl. Then, I married Terry Smith, moved to Whitesburg and now live on a dirt road. Terry’s family attended Stripling Chapel UMC and so we started attending Church with them. Terry’s parents were very pleased with our decision to join the Church in 2002. We both became very active members of Stripling Chapel. Joining Stripling Chapel, marrying Terry, and moving out of Atlanta to become a country girl were some of the very best things I have ever done.
During my years at Stripling, I have been the Chair of many committees and have also served on various committees. Currently, I serve as Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPCR) Chair and Treasurer. I enjoy our current Pastor Julie and our new music minister. Each week our worship service is improving and getting better. Being a part of this loving Church at Stripling Chapel UMC gives me a wonderful feeling.
Crill Head
Finance Chair
Jean Staples Denney
Hospitality Chair/Worship Chair
I was born and raised on a Carroll County farm where hard work was necessary and expected. My four brothers, one sister and I were raised to be responsible for helping with the farm chores.
My parents and grandparents were Methodists and raised their families as Methodists. We were raised to read our Bibles daily and we never missed attending services at the Lowell Methodist Church. I still have my Bible close by.
I married very young and raised three beautiful, wonderful sons who we taught to value hard work. God has always guided me during my life. Jeremiah 29:11- tells me he has a plan for my life and I am here, willing. During my years of serving at Lowell Methodist and Stripling Chapel Methodist Churches, I have served on different committees. Currently, I serve as Worship Chair and Hospitality Chair. “Whatever I have been called to do, God has equipped me to handle”. I have been highly blessed.